Effective Communication

There are over 180 languages spoken in communities served by GNYHA member hospitals, which serve a diverse patient population with a variety of needs. GNYHA provides resources, including best practices and language assistance coordinator updates, to help members better understand and meet the needs of the Limited English Proficiency patient population, and better serve the needs of hard of hearing/deaf patients and blind/visually impaired patients.

9 Items in Effective Communication
Hospital Language Assistance Coordinator Forum
February 28, 2024
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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GNYHA “One-Stop Shop Resource” of DOH-Translated Documents
February 28, 2024
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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Free Online Tools to Review Website/Digital Accessibility
November 7, 2022
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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GNYHA Hospital Language Access Coordinators Forum Meets
February 14, 2022
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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Language Service Vendor Questions and Considerations for Pandemic Planning
November 15, 2021
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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Language Service Vendor Landscape
November 15, 2021
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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Health Literacy Resources
November 3, 2021
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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2021 Hospital Language Assistance Coordinator Update
October 14, 2021
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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Best Practices for the Visually Impaired
December 4, 2014
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Health Equity Effective Communication
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