Department of Health
246 Items Tagged Department of Health
Medicaid DSH ICP/UPL Updates
November 30, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicaid Medicaid DSH
Finance Icon
DOH Guidance on Requirements for Hospital Compliance with the CAPTA, CARA
November 29, 2021
Legal, Compliance & HIT Legal & Compliance Regulations
Legal Icon
Human Trafficking Resources
November 24, 2021
Health Equity, Community & Behavioral Health Community Health Community Violence Prevention
Community Icon
DOH Implements Medicaid Budgeted Capital Rate Cut
November 10, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicaid Medicaid Rates & Updates
Finance Icon
DOH Releases Solicitation of Interest for Doctors Across New York Program
November 4, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Health Workforce Health Workforce Funding
Stethoscope Icon
DOH Releases 2019 HAI Report
November 3, 2021
Quality & Clinical Initiatives Hospital-Acquired Infections Other HAIs
Performance Icon
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Ordering Updates (NYSIIS and CIR)
October 20, 2021
Emergency Preparedness Special Pathogens Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccination
Emergency Icon
Revised Certification Form for Executive Order UR Suspensions
October 7, 2021
Finance & Insurance COVID-19 Funding & Billing Other COVID-19 Funding & Billing
Finance Icon
New York State Certification Form for Executive Order UR Suspensions
October 4, 2021
Finance & Insurance COVID-19 Funding & Billing Other COVID-19 Funding & Billing
Finance Icon
NYS Releases Capital RFA; $208 Million Available
October 1, 2021
Finance & Insurance Grants & Funding Opportunities Capital Funding
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State 30 Applications for J-1 Visa Physicians Due to DOH by December 3
September 29, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Health Workforce Licensure, Certification & Training
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