
GNYHA Website FAQs

November 28, 2017

Q: How do I search for information?

A: There are two ways to search for information on the new GNYHA website:

  • From the homepage: enter your search term into the large “What can we help you find today?” search bar
  • From all other pages on the GNYHA website: enter your search term into the search bar at the top of the page

Both search options will bring you to a search results page where you can choose to filter results further by Content Type, Date Created, and Topic. You can also sort results by relevance, oldest, or newest.

Q: What are Content Types?

A: All information on the GNYHA website is divided into the following six Content Types designed to help users understand, at a high level, what type of materials they are encountering. The Content Types include:

  • News: GNYHA–generated materials on topics of interest to member hospitals and health systems (most of GNYHA’s member communications, such as Member Letters and Legal & Regulatory Bulletins, fall into this category)
  • Position: GNYHA’s position on health care topics (GNYHA’s comment letters and Government Affairs position papers fall into this category)
  • Tool: documents and handouts that members can use in their day-to-day work (teaching guides and toolkits fall into this category)
  • Data: excel sheets and data sets (OPPS and IPPS calculators fall into this category)
  • Interview: video and written interviews with members of the health care community. (GNYHA’s graduate medical education video series “Behind the White Coat” falls into this category)
  • Event: in-person meetings and symposia, conference calls, and webinars.

Q: What do the different colors mean?

A: Each main topic area on the GNYHA website has been assigned an identifying color. The colors appear on resources across the site so you can easily identify which category specific resources belong to. The colors are:

  • Emergency Preparedness (red)
  • Performance Improvement (rouge)
  • Workforce & GME (deep rouge)
  • Population & Community Health (purple)
  • Government Affairs (blue)
  • Finance & Insurance (teal)
  • Compliance/HIT (green)

Q: How can I customize my experience on the GNYHA website?

A: The GNYHA website allows users to customize their experience in two ways:

  • Homepage: by choosing an Area of Focus, your homepage will become targeted towards your needs and interests and highlight the newest information in your focus area. To choose an Area of Focus, visit your profile page (available by clicking the person icon in the upper-right corner of the website) and click the “Edit Profile” button. Select a topic from the Area of Focus drop-down menu and hit “Save.”
  • Subscriptions: control the information you receive—and ensure that you won’t miss an important GNYHA communication—by subscribing to any of GNYHA’s bulletins and digests. From the profile page, click on “My Subscriptions” in the left menu navigation. Select the e-mail communications you would like to receive and click “Update Subscriptions.” You can also unsubscribe from e-mail communications on this page.

Q: How do I register for events?

A: You can navigate GNYHA events through the Event Calendar, accessible by clicking the “Events” link at the top of each page. Click on the event that you would like to attend and you will be brought to an Event Page with details for your event. Click on the blue “Register” button. After registering, the button will change to read “You’re Going.” To unregister, click the “Unregister” link directly below the blue button.

You can also review your event registration on your Profile Page, under the “My Events” tab.

Q: Where are meeting materials located?

A: All meeting materials are stored on the corresponding Event Page. You can either navigate to the event via the Event Calendar by using the search bar to search for the event name, or by viewing your past event registrations on your Profile Page.

Q: What are Programs?

A: The Programs page, accessible by clicking the “Programs” link at the top of each page, houses information on GNYHA’s workgroups, internship programs, and training series. Each program has its own page with relevant materials, meetings, and information.

Q: What is pinned content?

A: On occasion, GNYHA will pin certain pieces of content to your homepage or to the top of topic pages. This can be either emergency information (e.g., hurricane or winter weather event) or frequently requested information that we choose to bring to the forefront of a topic.

If you have any questions about the new GNYHA website that are not addressed in this FAQ, please contact Kate Bastinelli.