GME Accreditation

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) is the nation’s primary accreditation agency for allopathic training. The ACGME oversees more than 9,000 residency training programs across 133 specialties. Through individual residency review committees and related standards and requirements, the ACGME accredits the training of the vast majority of physicians in the US. GNYHA works with members to understand all aspects of this accreditation activity.

22 Items in GME Accreditation
ACGME Approves Non-Standard Training Recognition Requirements
February 25, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Accreditation
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ACGME Updates Accreditation Activities in Response to Omicron
January 27, 2022
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ACGME Finalizes LOA Policies; New Requirements Effective July 2022
November 23, 2021
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ACGME Releases Second Report on National CLER Findings
October 7, 2021
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Coalition for Physician Accountability Publishes Final Report and Recommendations on Transitions in Medical Education
August 30, 2021
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ACGME Releases Proposed Changes to LOA Policies for Trainees; Comments Due August 25
August 3, 2021
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GAO Releases Report on GME Programs Following Single Accreditation System
April 15, 2021
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GNYHA Resource for Designated Institutional Officials
April 13, 2021
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GNYHA Participates in State COGME Plenary on GME in the COVID-19 Response
February 1, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Accreditation
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GNYHA Engages ACGME on Emergency Categorization
January 29, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Graduate Medical Education GME Accreditation
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