Ambulatory Care

GNYHA helps member hospitals and health systems enhance care delivery in their ambulatory care and outpatient settings. Our tools, resources, workgroups, and technical assistance address a variety of topics, including access, quality improvement, practice transformation, and emerging policies and payment models.

22 Items in Ambulatory Care
New York State Executive Budget Proposal Includes Significant Ambulatory Care Proposals
February 14, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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DOHMH Urges Providers to Refer Patients for COVID-19 Treatment
February 14, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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GNYHA Developing Educational Core Competencies to Support Telehealth Delivery
February 14, 2022
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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GNYHA, UHF Hold 32nd Annual Symposium on Health Care Services: Research and Practice
November 1, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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Improving Specialty Access Using Enhanced Referrals
May 17, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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New York State Parent Portal Resources
May 7, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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NQF Action Brief on Advancing Adult Immunization through Quality Measurement
May 7, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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NCQA Seeks Comments on Proposed HEDIS Measure Updates
March 3, 2021
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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Population Health Curriculum Guide
March 20, 2017
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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Population Health Management Initiatives and Tools
December 1, 2011
GME, Workforce & Population Health Ambulatory Care
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