Other Medicare Regulations

GNYHA provides support and analysis on Medicare regulations impacting member hospitals, including the Wage Index, Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors, and Occupational Mix Index. GNYHA will also support members as Medicare rolls out its new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier cards for Medicare transactions, including billing and eligibility and claim status.

23 Items in Other Medicare Regulations
GNYHA Submits Comments to CMS on Proposed MSSP Changes
September 12, 2022
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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Request for Feedback on Proposed Changes to Medicare Cost Reports
July 12, 2022
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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CMS Requests Applications for Enhancing Oncology Model
July 5, 2022
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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Indefinite Delay for CMS Radiation Oncology Model
April 11, 2022
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Annual Report of Lobbying Expenses as a Percentage of GNYHA Dues
April 5, 2022
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Enacted Legislation Delays Medicare Provider Cuts
December 15, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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Updates on Clinical Laboratory Reporting Requirements and Medicare Appropriate Use Criteria Implementation
October 29, 2021
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CMS Proposes to Rescind “Most Favored Nation” Drug Pricing Model
August 10, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Recoupment Process
March 19, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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Federal Court Blocks Implementation of “Most-Favored Nation” Drug Pricing Model; GNYHA Comments on Interim Final Rule
February 1, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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GNYHA Comments on Proposed Medicare Cost Report Changes
January 28, 2021
Finance & Insurance Medicare Other Medicare Regulations
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